Book Blogger Convention

A convention for book bloggers will be held May 28 in New York City reports Galley Cat.  It’s not a science fiction genre event, though an sf-reviewing blogger might find it of interest.

The Book Blogger Convention is a one-day event being held at the NYC Seminar & Conference Center. Registration is $90 before Valentine’s Day, $115 after. There are 150 seats available.

It’s easy to guess this event is the first of its kind after reading some of the questions and answers on the FAQ, for example: 

May I photograph or videotape keynotes or sessions?
I have no idea.  Do what you want until someone tells you not to.

This particular question is the topic of constant discussion among sf conrunners. There are legal rights involved and permissions are required for some kinds of usage. The outcome will probably depend on where attendees strike the balance between their privacy concerns and bloggers’ usual eagerness to draw attention to themselves.

[Thanks to Andrew Porter for the story.]

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