Brass Cannon Books Right on Target

Shenandoah Spy cover

The new print edition of Francis Hamit’s Civil War novel The Shenandoah Spy boasts a handome cover.

The Shenandoah Spy is based on the true story of Belle Boyd, a young woman who became one of the most famous personalities of the U.S. Civil War. A scout and spy for Turner Ashby’s 7th Virginia Cavalry, she was instrumental in the success of Stonewall Jackson’s famous Valley Campaign of 1862. At the Battle of Front Royal on May 23, 1862, Belle ran across the battlefield under fire to deliver her vital intelligence. She became the first woman in American history to be commissioned an Army officer.

The illustration of Belle Boyd was done by David Martin, a well known artist and illustrator that Hamit met last year in New Mexico at Bubonicon. The jacket’s final design is by George Mattingly.

You can get a personally signed copy from Hamit by purchasing it through his website, The cost currently is $18.95 plus sales tax (California residents only) and $3.95 shipping.

Update: 6/28/2008: Deleted ‘print-on-demand.’

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One thought on “Brass Cannon Books Right on Target

  1. Dear Mike: After I did the numbers I actually went with a conventional offset print run. It’s not Print on Demand. I have set up some book signings. The first is the last day of WesterCon at the CheeseCake and Crime Mystery Book Store and Cheese Cake Joint in Henderson. July 6th at 2 PM. There is an in-store drawing for a “Shenandoah Spy” sweat shirt or t-shirt. July 26, I’m signing at Russo’s Books at the Marketplace in Bakersfield. Aug 1st in Amarillo at Hastings Entertainment and August 4th in Canyon, Texas, again at Hastings. The last two also have the in store contest. There will be many other signings, as we arrange them, in August and September, including two Civil War Round Tables. Anyone wanting bulk or wholesale orders should contact Pathway Book Service in New Hampshire at 1-800-345-6665. Also available from Ingram and Baker & Taylor and on among others.

    We’ll be in Vegas for about ten days starting tomorrow. Perhaps I’ll see you there.

    Francis Hamit

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