Bruce Dane Has Died (1950-2008)

Bruce Dane died early in the morning of July 12. He had been hospitalized since June 2 due to injuries sustained in a fall. He leaves behind his daughters, Meera, Kelly, Rachel, Kyria, and Samantha; his brother Doug Pintar; and his separated wife, Michelle.

David Klaus had learned from an earlier conversation with Michelle “that Bruce had been taken off the ventilator and was breathing on his own but both EEG and MRI examination indicated higher function brain death.” Then, this morning:

Michelle called me about 4 a.m. CDT today to say she was in a car heading to Denver as the rest of Bruce’s body had now died, too.

It hurts, Mike. It hurts.

Michelle also told me that the concert is still on, although it will be a memorial concert as well as a benefit.

The benefit concert for his two youngest girls will be held July 19, headlined by Boomer Box, a band Bruce belonged to, playing the 12-string guitar.

David Klaus has many memories of Bruce, for one:

Bruce’s ability with computers amazed me. I remember crashing on his couch in Sherman Oaks in the early ’80s and awakening to see him typing away, programming for a client directly in hexadecimal machine code, not in any structured language. After I picked up my jaw from where it had dropped, he said it was easier and faster for him than using a higher language and compiling it later, which caused me to have to pick up my jaw again.

I miss him already, but as we spoke frequently at least I got to tell him how much I loved him before he was gone.

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One thought on “Bruce Dane Has Died (1950-2008)

  1. I’m sorry to hear this.

    We had a serious falling out in the early 80’s, and I’ve only had occasional passing contact with him since then, but for several years before that he was one of my and Hilde’s closest friends.

    I thought about sending a card when I heard of his hospitalization. Too late now.

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