Capricon 34 TV Coverage

Capricon 34 is under way this weekend in the Chicago area. On Friday night the con got some complimentary coverage from WGN news. Click on the link to access the 2:37 video report. WGN’s intro reads —

You will definitely find the different, unique and a little odd but Capricorn 34 is far from your typical sci-fi convention.

Through Sunday, virtually every hour of the day is filled with sci-fi fan events at the Westin in north suburban Wheeling, from hours of board gaming to performances.

The video is unusual in that it steers away from costumers. Filkers, the art show and dealers’ room get lots of love. Includes a brief appearance by Bill Roper singing.

[Thanks to Steven H Silver for the story.]

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2 thoughts on “Capricon 34 TV Coverage

  1. Unfortunate that they managed to get the name wrong –Capricorn — multiple times.

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