Cats Sleep on SFF:
An American Story

Christopher Priest sent a photo of that moment When The Djanga Wakes:

At risk of seeming more interested in my books than in cats, here is our Maine Coon Djanga. She looks sleepy because I woke her by getting the camera out. I couldn’t tell which page she was on when she fell asleep …

Photos of your felines resting on genre works are welcome. Send to mikeglyer (at) cs (dot) com

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5 thoughts on “Cats Sleep on SFF:
An American Story

  1. What a fine and fluffy feline — and an American breed with “An American Story” all her own!

  2. Fantastic!

    The Affirmation is one of my favorite novels, I read it when I was in a somewhat similar situation as the main character. I should see if I can get one of my cats to pose near it.

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