Cats Sleep On SFF: Oblique Star Wars Reference Edition

JJ is amused to discover that “Ancillary Cat has a fundamental misunderstanding of the purpose of Jabba I.”

Photos of your felines (or whatever you’ve got!) resting on genre works are welcome. Send to mikeglyer (at) cs (dot) com

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4 thoughts on “Cats Sleep On SFF: Oblique Star Wars Reference Edition

  1. Very fine cat name JJ. Re miunderstanding sleeping accommodations Pt 2. When we brought home our Birman Ruskin, my Mum bought him a lovely bed. Ruskin ate it.

  2. Pingback: NEWS FROM FANDOM: 9/11/22 - Amazing Stories

  3. It seems to me that Ancillary Cat is getting twice the cushioning, using it that way. Who exactly is it that has the fundamental misunderstanding?

    Handsome cat.

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