Cats Sleep on SFF: Tales of the Astonishing Black Spark

Kendall’s submission is not a cat, not asleep, but there is sff —

Not sure if this counts but it’s an old empty bottle of wine in the shape of a cat, posing on one of the books I got for Christmas. The book is Charlie J. Eskew’s Tales of the Astonishing Black Spark (“Black” is supposed to have strike-through on it.)

Just trying to help push the envelope on this whole “cats sleeping on SFF” thing. . . .

Photos of your felines (or whatever you’ve got!) resting on genre works are welcome. Send to mikeglyer (at) cs (dot) com

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9 thoughts on “Cats Sleep on SFF: Tales of the Astonishing Black Spark

  1. Pingback: NEWS FROM FANDOM: 01/17/21 - Amazing Stories

  2. @Lis Carey: I sure hope so (cat-shaped counting)! 😉

    @Lis Riba: Great photo! The cat’s like “I’m reading this, why are you eyeing my tablet?!” 😉

    @Mike Glyer: Thanks!

  3. @Lis C: Small has already been spotlighted here, so I didn’t want to be greedy. I happen to think she’s incredibly photogenic, but I’m also somewhat biased.

    That said, Mike, you are more than welcome to repost any of my pictures of Small. (More examples of her curling up with on good books.)

  4. @Lis Riba: LOL at your “I don’t think I’m getting that book back any time soon.” comment on the second photo at the link. 😀

  5. Kendall, what a great credential! (just sadly not as cuddly as the real thing)

    Lis Riba, there is no such thing as “too many cat pictures”. Please send great ones to Mike when you have them, these posts are always a nice boost to the day.

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