Chicon 8 Art Show Winners

Elizabeth Klein-Lebbink, Chicon 8 Art Show Director, reports these are the creators who took home awards from the Chicon 8 Art show.

Best in Show: Vincent DiFate, “The Outer Reach”
Best 2D Work: Eric Wilkerson, “Alien Lives Matter”
Best 3D Work: John Douglass, “Green Autoe Tanker”
Director’s Choice AKA Best subversion of art show rules: Lucy Synk, “Strange New Worlds”

Klein-Lebbink explained the story behind the fourth award: “One of the judges, the lead auctioneer and also a good friend of mine (Bob Passovoy) and I were walking through the art show and ran across Lucy Synk’s piece, which was kind of 2.5 dimensional, fun, irreverent, and really really good. Bob promptly dubbed it great for subverting the 2D vs 3D paradigm and we ran with it. Lucy was there as well telling us how much fun she had making it. Humor aside, it was an excellent piece of work and very deserving, and yes it’s a homage to the newest Star Trek series ‘Strange New Worlds’.”

[Thanks to Elizabeth Klein-Lebbink for the story.]

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4 thoughts on “Chicon 8 Art Show Winners

  1. It’s a pity they didn’t include images of the winning works. I could only find 2 of them using Google.

  2. I remember The Outer Reach…

    but of course, pictures were NOT allowed in the Art Show, so I do not have any.

  3. The Art Show awards were posted in the Chicon 8 newsblog, I just hadn’t noticed at the time but went back to check when Elizabeth sent them to me yesterday. I checked in case they had run images. They didn’t and I wasn’t surprised forthe reason Paul points out, the proscription against photography in the show. Artists understandably don’t like to see their work up on the internet unless they put it there themselves.

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