Cider Carey Review: Greenies Dental Treats

Greenies Dental Treats

Hi! Cider Carey back, with another treat review.

This time it’s what Lis says is a seasonal treat, that won’t be available after Halloween supplies run out. I’m not sure what Halloween is, except that some humans dress up funny for it.

As always, I tested whether I could get the package open myself, and as always, I couldn’t. I had to ask Lis. She got it open quick, and says it was easy to reseal.

You maybe saw on the package that these are the “petite” size. What that means is, really for dogs bigger than me, as much as 13 pounds bigger! Like, bigger than me by as much as I actually weigh! Normally, I get the “teenie” size, which is for my proper weight class. 

The size really confused me at first. I sniffed and examined it with great suspicion. Why is it so big? Does it smell a little different than the regular, nonseasonal Blueberry Flavor Greenies?

After a couple minutes, though, I decided it only smelled a little different, and the difference was nice. Also, it would be pretty silly to complain about getting a bigger treat than usual! So I settled down and went to work on the important part — chewing it. It chews every bit as nicely as the regular Greenies.

Lis says I should be embarrassed at finishing it off even faster than my regular “teenie” size Greenies, but I don’t see why. It was tasty, a good chew, and a Seasonal Treat I won’t get again after Halloween is over!

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6 thoughts on “Cider Carey Review: Greenies Dental Treats

  1. Our pup knows exactly what Halloween is: it’s when a series of villains keep knocking on his front door, and he has to work hard keeping his people safe. (We put a bowl of candy on the porch, turn off the rest of the lights, and give him a gabapentin)

  2. @Jake–Where we live, before in a place over a “bar,” and now in what Lis calls “senior housing,” we don’t get the villains coming to the door.

    @Teresa Peschel–Yes! All my cat cousins and friends love their kitty Greenies.

  3. Our cats, however, have no problem opening a Greenies bag without the assistance of a slave with opposable thumbs. Which is why our Greenies (for cats version) are tucked away in drawers.

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