Clarke Condolence Book Delivered

After the sudden death of Sir Arthur C. Clarke last spring, Yvonne Penney created a book of condolences to be sent to the Clarke family and circulated it at conventions for fans to sign. The Penneys brought it to Ad Astra and at Corflu Silver, then Apogee Books publisher Rob Godwin took it to several space conferences.

Fred Clarke now has the book. Godwin spoke with him by phone and reported back to Yvonne: “He got the book and was genuinely thrilled to receive it. I wrote a blurb in the front explaining that it was started by you. Anyway, he just told me that the local town council have finally agreed to give him a building to put in an Arthur C. Clarke museum and the book will be going on display under glass with all the pages blown up and displayed behind it. Just thought you’d like to know that it was a really nice thing you did and it was genuinely appreciated. Last person to sign it was Buzz [Aldrin]…”

Yvonne’s reaction was, “I’m so touched by this… really…I was not expecting this.”

Thanks to Lloyd Penney for sharing the story.

Minehead & West Somerset HospitalI searched for more information about the Clarke museum. It may be part of the plan for the West Somerset Hospital in Minehead, the town where Arthur C. Clarke was born:

A shared vision for the future of the West Somerset Hospital in Minehead has united community and public sector organisations across West Somerset with a single aim to try to keep the historic listed building for the community…

Julian Luttrell, Chairman of the group, explained, “The hospital was built as a town hall in 1889, before it was converted into the Luttrell Memorial Hospital and, latterly, the West Somerset Hospital

The aim of the feasibility study is to establish the ways in which the hospital can be developed to play a significant part in social and cultural life locally. The study will look at the possibilities of incorporating a library, exhibition and museum space, and community arts space, study rooms and offices. It will also explore whether the works and theories of Minehead-born author, Arthur C Clarke, can be celebrated, and there will be scope to look at commercial and residential aspects of any proposals.

And I believe the image above is a picture of the hospital.

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