Concave’s Annette Carrico Dies

Kentucky fan Annette Carrico passed away overnight on December 24 says Joel Zakem, who received word from Sue and Steve Francis. He adds:

Though confined to a wheelchair, Annette ran the con suite at Concave for as long as I can remember (even at the Park Mammoth which had no elevators and where the con suite was on the second floor), helped in the con suite at other cons, and she was scheduled to be the Guest of Honor at Concave 31 in February 2010. She was also Fan GOH at Rivercon 23. 

Annette was an avid reader and one of the nicest people you could meet. She will be missed.

Gary Robe’s 1997 article “History of Concave” emphasized:

Annette’s contribution cannot be understated. Since the success of a relaxacon revolves around the quality of the consuite, Annette’s tireless shopping, hauling, and food preparation has been central to the Concave’s deserved reputation as having one of the greatest consuites in all convention fandom.

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3 thoughts on “Concave’s Annette Carrico Dies

  1. Annette was one of my best fannish friends ever. She helped make me feel welcome in Bowling Green fandom. I’ve been to her house dozens of times, and she was always welcoming. We would go to Nashville fan meetings in my car.

    There’s a hole in my world.

    Joseph T Major

  2. I am very sorry to hear this. I remember seeing Annette at Rivercon and other regional conventions, and what a lovely person she was. My condolences to her family and friends.

  3. I remember her from one of the earliest Concave conventions in western Kentucky – I was staying in Bowling Green on a business trip and stopped by her house on a night, not long before the convention, when she was sewing the bindings of the Concave program books, while all the local fans gathered who were in her house were avidly watching a new music-themed cable television channel – MTV.

    She was a pleasant, friendly presence in fandom.

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