Dave McCarty Makes Statement About His Facebook Responses

On January 27, Dave McCarty, Chengdu Worldcon Hugo Administrator, issued an apology on Facebook for responses he made to comments there. But he reiterated that “The statement that the administration team has previously made about eligibility decisions is the only one I can share.”

For those playing along at home, get your bingo cards out because it’s time to mark the hard-to-fill space.

I am apologizing.

Last week, I posted on my page that the Hugo statistics had gone up thinking that I was talking to just the few folks that had popped in before and asked me about them. I didn’t really think at any time that it would be seen by pretty much everyone that wasn’t me as speaking for the convention and the Hugo team.

Clearly, I think we all agree I was wrong.

The responses put me in old habits and I got defensive. Most of my responses there were inappropriate, unprofessional, condescending, and a number were clearly insulting. I made things worse.

I apologize to the Finalists.

I apologize to the Worldcon community.

I apologize to the Hugo Awards community.

My actions there caused pain and damage to people and communities that I love. Worldcon has been a core part of my life for more than 20 years, and I have to live with the knowldge of the damage I caused here by acting that way.

I am going to turn off commenting on both this post and the past post about the stats. The statement that the administration team has previously made about eligibility decisions is the only one I can share. Any further questions or concerns about the 2023 Hugo Awards should be emailed to [email protected].



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5 thoughts on “Dave McCarty Makes Statement About His Facebook Responses

  1. I think he’s trying to do damage control now that he realizes no Worldcon is going to be willing to have him be part of their Hugo Administration ever again, because of the shitstorm that would bring down on them. Too bad, so sad.

  2. Well, this is an apology for his behavior on Facebook.

    Not for anything to do with how the awards were administered. Not for the strange ineligibilities, or the faked data. He’s hoping we’ll forget in a couple months.

  3. MODERATOR’S NOTE: I needed to report this statement as part of the ongoing news story about the 2023 Hugos. However, after the hundreds of critical comments on the McCarty Facebook report I’m experiencing some fatigue on the subject. I am going to turn off comments now and think about whether to reopen them on this post in the morning.

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