DongWon Song Hired at Orbit

DongWon Song has been hired at Orbit Books as Associate Editor. His previous position was with Sterling Lord Literistic, Inc.

File 770’s main interest in the story is that Moshe Feder was a runner-up for this job, although he was interviewing for the position of Editor. I’d prefer to be helping him celebrate being hired, but that was not meant to be. Moshe still has managed to find some good news mixed in with the bad:

I don’t have to face the one part of taking the Orbit job that I dreaded, which would have been leaving all my Tor authors behind. So I’ll be continuing for the foreseeable future as a Consulting Editor for the Tor, Forge, and Orb imprints. You can help me keep the bills from piling too high by steering my way any promising new talents you come across. Remember, I get paid by the book!

Moshe adds that his present author list includes Brandon Sanderson, Dan Wells, the team of Gary K. Wolfe & Archbishop John J. Myers, Juliet McKenna, David Gerrold, and Robert Silverberg.

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