DreamHaven Launches GoFundMe

DreamHaven after being boarded-up on May 30.

Greg Ketter, owner of DreamHaven Books & Comics in Minneapolis, today set up a GoFundMe to help his business recover from the damage done by vandals in the early hours of May 30.

In the first six hours, his “DreamHaven Restoration” appeal has raised $4,954 of the $25,000 goal.

As Ketter explained the needs:

…After the murder by police of George Floyd, Minneapolis was gripped by a terrible series of riots, vandalism and looting.  Under the guise of peaceful protesting,  some individuals took advantage of a chaotic situation to do serious damage to hundreds of businesses in the area.  

Early Saturday morning, May 30th a group of young males drove up, smashed the front door, entered the store and ransacked the building.  They broke glass, toppled shelves, threw things around and took what they could carry before neighbors frightened them off.  They tried to start a fire but luckily they were incompetent arsonists.  The fire went out.
So many lost so much.  To be honest, our need is smaller than many, but there is still need.  Insurance will cover some of the costs, many of which we’re not even aware of yet.  We’re replacing what was lost, repairing what was broken.  We’ll be closed for a short time yet, but things are moving quickly and I hope we can re-open very soon.

[Thanks to Kathryn Sullivan for the story.]

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2 thoughts on “DreamHaven Launches GoFundMe

  1. I did a fair amount of business by mail with them years ago. I donated. I wish them luck.

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