Eurocon 2024 Site Picked

2024. The 2024 Eurocon will take place in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. The site was confirmed during this year’s Eurocon in Luxembourg. The con will be held in August 2024, but the dates have not yet been announced.

Follow the con on social media:

2023. Eurcon 2023 will be held in Uppsala, Sweden in conjunction with Konflikt 2023.

The guests of honor will be Johan Egerkrans (SE), Merja Polvinen (FI), Francesco Verso (IT) and Martha Wells (US).

Follow the con on social media:

BIDS FOR FUTURE EURCONS. The following bid announcements for upcoming Eurocons were made this weekend at Eurocon 2022. Bids may also email contact_esfs (at) esfs (dot) info to make their intentions known.

  • 2025 Åland, Finland
  • 2026 Berlin, Germany
  • 2028 Zagreb, Croatia

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4 thoughts on “Eurocon 2024 Site Picked

  1. That’s one Eurocon I’ll definitely be attending, if only because I spent a lot of time in Rotterdam in the 1980s and still have a soft spot for the city.

    I might do Uppsala as well next year, if only because I’ve never been there.

  2. I am pretty sure it was mentioned repeatedly (alas, I missed the “picking” itself) Erasmuscon will be the weekend after Glasgow, i. e. 16–18 Aug, but it is not in that part of Lally’s Wall where I “used my mobile phone to take down data”.

  3. Well, I’ll be likely flying to Glasgow via Amsterdam anyway, cause it’s the most convenient hub for me, so taking the train to Rotterdam and staying a few days before flying home is not going to be a problem for me and it makes it easier for overseas guests to attend.

    Though otherwise I would probably have driven to Rotterdam, because it’s only three and a half hours and a route I know very, very well indeed.

  4. I visited Uppsala to see the Linnaeus Garden, which is lovely and of course important in the history of science. My impression of Uppsala is I would happily move there if I could. University town. Walkable. Cafes along the river. It should be great for a Eurocon.

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