File 770 #161, #162 Available

The dual October and November 2012 issues of File 770 are now available in PDF from eFanzines.

File 770 #161 is 44 pages, highlighted by “Throw of the Dice,” Taral Wayne’s epic 26-page Renovation and California/Nevada trip report.

File 770 #162 is 34 pages, featuring Keith Stokes’ Chicon 7 report, John Hertz’ coverage of the 2011 Worldcon and Marc Schirmeister’s 14-illo spin on aliens in sf magazine art.

Both issues have Grant Canfield covers, as well as copious art by ATom, Alan Beck, C. Ross Chamberlain, Brad Foster, Alexis Gilliland, Jose Sanchez, Steve Stiles and Taral Wayne.

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5 thoughts on “File 770 #161, #162 Available

  1. Maybe I should call up the Guinness Book people and claim the record for most irregular newzine schedule. A schedule so irregular I report the news before it’s happened.

  2. And a mistake closer to home… in #162 where I thought Jay Kay Klein was holding a photo of himself as a child, well, that photo was of Samuel Delany when he was in his 20s. A little bit off in my indentification there… (Thanks to Ted White for the tip.)

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