File 770 Issue 157 Available Online

File 770 #157 available at eFanzines features Taral Wayne’s epic Anticipation worldcon report, unusually in-depth as well as being a rare, immediate post-con account by one of the guests of honor.

A dynamic cover by Brianna Spacekat Wu sets the tone for the issue, which includes new art and cartoons by Brad Foster and Alexis Gilliland.

Vincent Docherty, WSFS Division head and Hugo Administrator for Aussiecon 4, provides the first guidance about the eligibility of online works under the amended Hugo Award rules, such as blogs and websites.

John Hertz Westercon Notebook tells about John’s adventures at Westercon LXII, “FiestaCon.”  And Capclave is covered by Martin Morse Wooster.

Also, Tony Lewis reminiscences about Charlie Brown in the early days of Locus – whose first issue was mimeographed in his living room (reprinted from Instant Message).

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