Four For TAFF

Four fans have answered the bell for the 2011 Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund race, the largest field of candidates in a westbound race since 1993:

  • Graham Charnock, nominated by Harry Bell, Sandra Bond, Rich Coad, Mike Meara, and Robert Lichtman;
  • John Coxon, nominated by James Bacon, Claire Brialey, Chris Garcia, Dave Langford, and Steve Stiles;
  • Liam Proven, nominated by Bridget Bradshaw, Lillian Edwards, Nic Farey, Lloyd Penney, and James Shields; and
  • Paul Treadway, nominated by Vincent Docherty, Fran Dowd, Mike Glyer, Tim Illingworth, and Maureen Kincaid Speller.

The winner will attend the Worldcon in Reno next August.

Voting is open until March 12, 2011.

The full press release follows the jump.


2011 TAFF Race: Candidates Announced

The administrators of the TransAtlantic Fan Fund have great pleasure in announcing there are no fewer than four candidates for the 2011 westward TAFF journey, a trip which will include the 69th World Science Fiction Convention in Reno, Nevada, 17-21 August 2011.

The official ballot form will be posted here very shortly; additional distribution is encouraged, provided the text is reproduced verbatim. The race itself will run until 12 March 2011.

The candidates are:

Graham Charnock: “Vote for me. If you know me, you know why you should. If you don’t know me visit my website for biographical details and access to other craziness, which should persuade you. If I am elected I promise I will cut a swathe across North America like a rabid shrew released from a trap. I will party until my balls drop off and then glue them back on and party some more, and I will then report home in full widescreen hi-def detail. That is my solemn promise. Hey, it’s what you want and it’s what I do.” [Nominated by Harry Bell, Sandra Bond, Rich Coad, Mike Meara, Robert Lichtman]

John Coxon: “”My name is John Coxon, and I got into fandom through being secretary of ZZ9 before editing a fanzine (Procrastinations). As well as winning “Best New Fan” FAAn Award, I edited Eastercon LX’s newsletter, and my experience and enthusiasm will translate into my report and administration. Additionally, I’d like to experiment with other methods of reporting on my adventure. I’d love to show North America what makes British fandom brilliant and I think I’m the right person for the job! (As a bonus, I also promise to staple (hard copies of) my trip report, if someone will lend me a stapler.)”” [Nominated by James Bacon, Claire Brialey, Chris Garcia, Dave Langford, Steve Stiles]

Liam Proven: “I’m Liam – no badge name. I’ve been an active fan since Conspiracy ’87. I’m not partisan; I’m not a gamer, but I’ve been known to play. Not a fanzine fan, but pubbed a couple of ishes. Not a costumer, but dress up sometimes. Get on with almost everyone. Do the odd panel, moderate ’em even, and volunteer at cons. I write for a living, so I promise an entertaining and prompt conrep. Finally, since I’m self-employed in a hostile financial climate, this is the only way I’ll ever get to an American con – but I can take a long vacation!” [Nominated by Bridget Bradshaw, Lilian Edwards, Nic Farey, Lloyd Penney, James Shields]

Paul Treadaway: “I’m probably best known in fandom as a conrunner, due to my work with the two Glasgow Worldcons. The pattern was probably set at my first convention, Conspiracy, where I walked through the door and was instantly recruited to sell raffle tickets for Fans Across the World. In fact, if elected, this will be the first Worldcon since then where I haven’t either been on a Worldcon committee or helping to sell a Worldcon bid! I look forward to the chance to meet a wide range of fans, and of course renew my acquaintance with the friends I’ve already made.” [Nominated by Vincent Docherty, Fran Dowd, Mike Glyer, Tim Illingworth, Maureen Kincaid Speller]

For the record, this is the largest number of candidates fielded for a westward TAFF race since 1993, and we are delighted that, nearly sixty years after the first race was held, the Fund still generates such interest and enthusiasm.

Steve Green, European administrator

Anne & Brian Gray, North American administrators

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