Haffner Press Announces
Collected Edmond Hamilton

Steven Haffner is taking pre-orders for the first several volumes of the newly-announced Collected Edmond Hamilton.

• The Metal Giants and Others: The Collected Edmond Hamilton, Volume One
• The Star Stealers: The Complete Tales of the Interstellar Patrol, The Collected Edmond Hamilton, Volume Two
• The Collected Captain Future, Volume One: Captain Future and the Space Emperor

See the full press release after the jump.

[Thanks to Andrew Porter.]

Hey everybody!

Some of you may have seen some changes at www.haffnerpress.com as we’ve been adding/updating pages like crazy.

Well, Keep Watching the Skies, fellow-astrogators, ’cause we’re gearing up for an awesome second half of 2008 with some major announcements.

In fact, not since 1999 — when we announced The Collected Stories of Jack Williamson — have we had such stellar news (unless you count the massive celebratory volumes for Jack Williamson or the much-ballyhooed Stark and the Star Kings)!

So, without further ado, let me announce . . .


Every prose story, novella, novelette, and novel. All the science fiction, all the fantasy, all the horror, all the mysteries — and all the “Captain Future.” It’s all here, folks. And it can all be yours later this year. The first three volumes are in preparation with plans for publication by the end of the year.

Keep checking www.haffnerpress.com for updates as we have several special and amazing tie-ins with this project. Hell, we’ve even rescued Sergeant Saturn from the Old Spacer’s Home on Triton and he’ll be chiming in from time to time as we bring you these astounding, amazing, and thrilling titles.

Keep Watching the Skies!

Stephen Haffner
Big Poobah


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