Happy Anniversary, Diana!

Sierra, Diana and Mike on New Year’s Eve

While the rest of the world celebrated December 31 as New Year’s Eve, Diana and I (and Sierra!) celebrated the date as our 14th wedding anniversary. We had dinner at a Japanese steak place where the chef prepares the food in front of you most entertainingly, beginning with a sheet of flame on the griddle (that gets your attention) and later turning a small stack of onion rings into a smoking volcano.

Not too many couples pick this date to get married, I’m sure, it overlaps a holiday and it’s tax planning poison. But in 1994 we were looking to spot our wedding on the first Saturday after College of the Ozarks let out for Christmas vacation so we could make the most of the break as a honeymoon.

Earlier in the day Diana and I had an anniversary bonus after lunching in Claremont. As we walked back to our car, Elst Weinstein, a member of our wedding party, saw us as he drove past and pulled over to say hello.

Tokyo Wako chef

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3 thoughts on “Happy Anniversary, Diana!

  1. “Not too many couples pick this date to get married, I’m sure, it overlaps a holiday and it’s tax planning poison”

    Well, how about this:

    “For their New Year’s Eve Party, John Pomeranz and Kathi Overton promised a special surprise. After a party that included liquid nitrogen ice cream, groggers, and the watching the ball drop on TV, John hushed the crowd for what everyone assumed was a toast. Instead, before an audience of friends, including current and former WSFAns John announced, “It’s 2001. A new year. And I can’t think of anything I’d rather do than get married. So let’s do it. Right now!” The crowd, which had started going wild when John mentioned getting married, fell into a stunned silence. But John wasn’t joking. He had a justice of the peace there and a minute after midnight, without notifying their parents or anyone else, John and Kathi become an official married couple. They then served a wedding cake with glow-in-the-dark green aliens on it.”


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