Happy Birthday, Art!

Faneditor and past Worldcon guest of honor Art Widner is 92 years old today. Best wishes to you!

Art was born on September 17, 1917 – just the same as June Foray, the voice of Rocky the Squirrel, also celebrating her 92nd birthday.

Others who share this birthdate include the Emperor Trajan, lexicographer Samuel Johnson, physicist Leon Foucault, and actress Greta Garbo.

Art’s birth probably didn’t make headlines because 1917 was a busy year. World War I, you know. Also, Montana’s Jeanette Rankin, the first woman elected to Congress, took her seat. That was just four days before Congress voted to enter World War I. Rankin voted no, and when returned to Congress years later she famously cast the lone vote against entering World War II.

[Thanks to Andrew Porter for the story.]

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One thought on “Happy Birthday, Art!

  1. I heart Art. It was great to have a nice chat with him via the live video and audio Virtual Corflu a few months ago, since I otherwise haven’t seen him in a number of years. Art has always been one of the greatest fans of any era, and at this point he’s, I think, clearly the #1 Senior Fan Face. Long may he continue.

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