John Cleese’s Alimony Tour

John Cleese will perform his one-man show, “A Final Wave at the World (or the Alimony Tour, Year One)” at the Alex Theatre in Glendale on November 14. That’s literally next door to the Mystery and Imagination Bookstore which has hosted so many of the Bradbury events reported here.

A Glendale News-Press reporter interviewed the Monty Python veteran and got some remarkably frank answers:

Q: Is your tour something you had been wanting to do for a while?

A: No, no. Not at all. It was just that, as I said, I do have to earn a million a year to hand over in alimony and that means I’ve got to get out and earn money and this is not a very good time.

Cleese said he enjoyed the Monty Python troupe’s recent reunion very much, prompting this question:

Q: Any chance of a new project together following this seemingly renewed group chemistry?

A: I don’t know what we’d do really because it always took us a long time to write whatever we were up to and it’s very clear Eric has done some terrific work for “Spamalot,” but he doesn’t really want to work with us. He doesn’t want to cooperate with us artistically or creatively. Because I offered to work with him, even without Monty Python, but ?he didn’t really want to do that. So I think he likes to work on his own.

Cleese is 70. He has been living in Southern California for the last decade.

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3 thoughts on “John Cleese’s Alimony Tour

  1. I used to argue with American fans who said Monty Python was on TV in the late ’70s. I was pretty sure I’d seen it a lot earlier, and they would tell me I couldn’t possibly have, because they distinctly remember seeing it for the first time no earier than 1974.

    The show premiered on the BBC in 1969. When exactly it was syndicated to the CBC in Canada I can’t say. Wikipedia says it aired on PBS in 1975, and talks of later appearances as well. But it doesn’t once mention CBC. So I guess nobody knows how “hip” we Canadians were, including me. But I guess we must have been watching the Flying Circus sometimes between ’69 and ’73 at lates. There’s the showing at Torcon II for one thing. And I know I was quite familiar with the Pythons well before Torcon.

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