JordanCon Issues Statement Regarding Faith Hunter and Richard Fife

The official “JordanCon Statement Regarding Faith Hunter and Richard Fife” posted to the convention’s website on June 17 gives a limited report about the committee’s response to Richard Fife’s allegation of unwanted touching by author Faith Hunter at this year’s event. (See “Assault Allegation Leads Faith Hunter to Apologize and Pull Out of Conventions For 2022”.)

They go no farther than to affirm that what the parties have been saying publicly is the same information that the two reported to JordanCon at the time.

The Incident:

JordanCon will not comment on the merits of Richard’s allegations against Faith except as follows:

      • Richard’s statements in his post are consistent with a report he made to JordanCon authorities.
      • Faith Hunter self-reported certain conduct to JordanCon authorities and her public comments to date are consistent with what she self-reported. JordanCon has no further comment on the degree to which, if at all, Faith’s self-report aligns with Richard’s version of events.
      • JordanCon spoke with every known witness to / person involved in the incident. JordanCon will not comment on the identities or statements of the persons JordanCon spoke to, and JordanCon will not comment on any ultimate findings of fact.
      • Faith and JordanCon mutually agreed that she would not attend in the future.

Most of the statement is devoted to JordanCon’s incident response procedures and the philosophy behind them.

JordanCon’s procedures, which are publicly available at this link, are guided by several principles:

      • All staff take a harassment training session and pass a test each year before they are allowed to pick up their badge.  
      • Investigations are conducted by experienced HR professionals.
      • Anyone who makes an allegation deserves to be taken seriously and protected with whatever level of confidentiality they are comfortable with.
      • Protective and corrective measures are not binary and can be tailored to fit the circumstances of a particular situation, including the desires of the complainant(s).

It is true that JordanCon does not make public statements on allegations, findings of fact, or determinations of culpability….

File 770’s original article would have covered whether the interactions with the convention described by Fife and Hunter were consistent with the con’s published procedures if they could have been located. Despite other JordanCon convention documents referencing the “JordanCon Code of conduct”, that is not what the convention calls their policy, which is why use of the site’s search engine does not return a link to it. They call it “Anti-harassment” – also a common phrase for the topic. The link in the latest statement reveals that the Anti-Harassment policy is indexed in the “Newbies Survival Guide to JordanCon” under “Policies”. It is not directly accessible from the JordanCon website’s drop-down menu.

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4 thoughts on “JordanCon Issues Statement Regarding Faith Hunter and Richard Fife

  1. That harassment was so creepy. I am one of those who don’t like to be touched. At all.

  2. Faith Hunter seems to be handling this as well as someone could after engaging in egregious conduct at a con. Her public apology does not equivocate, she’s removed herself from future conventions and she isn’t portraying herself as a victim because complaints were made against her.

    JordanCon’s public statement is so careful it sounds like 18-CV-334547 was on their mind.

  3. JordanCon’s public statement is so careful it sounds like 18-CV-334547 was on their mind.

    That’s why I am so furious at Worldcon 76 for giving in to a nuissance lawsuit, because it has a chilling effect on cons everywhere.

  4. Fife may have done Hunter a service in reporting what happened–it may motivate her to deal with what seems like an addiction issue. I would only hope, though, that if she does, she will not be a pariah forevermore.

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