KaCSFFS at 40

The Kansas City Science Fiction & Fantasy Society will celebrate its 40th anniversary in September, a milestone the club actually reached last month on July 2.

Ken Keller remembers, “At one point, we almost became the Kansas City Futurians (KCF) or the Kansas City Science Fiction Association (KaCSFA), but we went crazy and adopted that long string of unpronounceable consonants (KaCSFFS) instead (i.e., Kax ~Fuss)!”

Sherri Dean and Robin Wayne Bailey will be toastmasters for the reunion, being held September 17 at Writers Place in KC. Tickets can be purchased for $10 at a club meeting or $11 from www.kacsffs.blogspot.com (via PayPal).

That night historic items revered by KC fans will be on display — a complete collection of BYOB-Con and ConQuest t-shirts, the original Science Fiction Hall of Fame plaque and trophy (KaCSFFS helped found the Hall in 1996), an original signed manuscript of Robert Heinlein’s The Number of the Beast, fanzines produced by people from the club, slide shows and other memorabilia. Jim Murray is producing a commemorative fanzine for the occasion, too.

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