Kramer Loses Extradition Appeal

On December 4, Dragon*Con co-founder Edward Kramer lost his appeal to avoid extradition from Connecticut to Georgia reports the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. He is expected to be back in Georgia by the end of the year to face charges of child molestation which have been pending since 2000.

[Gwinnett County District Attorney Danny Porter] said the first step in the case after Kramer returns will probably be to have his health evaluated by neurosurgeon to see if claims that Kramer is too ill to stand trial are valid. Witnesses in Connecticut have reported seeing Kramer walking around wooded areas without a respirator and even carrying camera equipment, Porter said.

Porter said he had his doubts about Kramer’s condition, but “I didn’t have any evidence to the contrary until he started hauling around cameras in Connecticut.”

Kramer was jailed in Connecticut on charges of child endangerment after Milford police allegedly found him alone in a motel room with a 14-year-old boy. At the time he was free on bond and able to travel, but a Georgia judge revoked his bond because Kramer’s contact with a minor violated its conditions. Kramer was held in Connecticut while the extradition proceedings were litigated.

[Thanks to Nancy Collins for the story.]

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