Kramer Trial Delays Now into 9th Year

DragonCon founder Ed Kramer, charged with child molestation in August 2000, has yet to stand trial. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that judges have repeatedly continued the proceedings due to his health:

[Kramer] will have to show he’s fit to stand trial in order to get the day in court he says he wants.

An April 29 trial date was postponed Wednesday after Edward Kramer told Gwinnett County Superior Court Judge Karen Beyers he was uncertain he could stay awake and alert enough to assist in his own defense. A spinal injury makes it difficult to sit, stand or breathe, and he is chronic pain, he said.

Kramer’s health has not been the only source of delays. The trial previously was postponed from July 2008 until April 2009 because Bob Barr, one of Kramer’s attorneys, was nominated as the Libertarian Party candidate for President and he secured a continuance to spend the fall campaigning.

[Via Petrea Mitchell.]

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