Lacey Wins CUFF

Diane Lacey has won the 2010 Canadian Unity Fan Fund race. She’ll be going to Keycon 27 in May.

LeAmber Raven Kensley, last year’s CUFF delegate and the fund administrator, wrote online that she received 40 votes. She said it was a close race but hasn’t posted the voting totals.

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4 thoughts on “Lacey Wins CUFF

  1. Diane should hold up a find old tradition of representing CUFF… if there was a find old tradition. But she’ll do fine. My only worry is that she may find Winnipeg a bit of a disappointment. ; )

  2. Heh, it seems Winnipeg gets no love. A friend of mine has said “What does the runner-up get? Two weeks in Winnipeg?” But I’m looking forward to it, and every city is wonderful in the springtime. I already know some great people from Winnipeg and I know I’ll meet many more. I doubt I’ll be disappointed at all.

    As far as fine old traditions are concerned, there’s no time like the present to start them. 😉

  3. From what I’ve seen, the runner-up in this year’s CUFF race, Rob Uhrig, is quite displeased with not winning, and has unfriended anyone connected with CUFF or Diane. Rumours about Rob sitting in a corner, pouting and holding his breath until he turns blue were unfounded, unreliable sources said. 🙂

  4. @Lloyd: This isn’t what I think of as your usual tone (not that I haven’t shattered a few panes in my own glass house from time to time). Have you heard something beyond Rob managing his Facebook account?

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