LSC3 Memorial Day Weekend Membership Sale

LoneStarCon 3 will offer a discount on all Adult Attending membership purchases made over the Memorial Day weekend.

From Friday, May 24, through Monday, May 27, Adult Attending membership rates will be $200, a $20 saving. Anyone joining or upgrading their membership online will automatically receive this special discount. The offer will also be available to fans buying LoneStarCon 3 memberships in person at ConQuest in Kansas City, MO; Balticon in Hunt Valley, MD; and BayCon in Santa Clara, CA.

The con also reports there are now over 170 confirmed program participants, including David Brin, Ben Bova, Phil and Kaja Foglio, Joe Haldeman, Charlaine Harris, Robin Hobb, Steve Jackson, George R.R. Martin, Elizabeth Moon, John Picacio, Tim Powers, Alastair Reynolds, Robert Silverberg, Howard Tayler, Harry Turtledove, and Gene Wolfe.

The Exhibits Hall plans to feature presentations on Robert E. Howard, the genome of science fiction author Jay Lake, and the Texas-Israeli War of 1999 (based on the award-winning book by Jake Saunders and Howard Waldrop).

The full press release follows the jump.

Press Release #18


LoneStarCon 3, The 71st World Science Fiction Convention
San Antonio, Texas
August 29 – September 2, 2013

[email protected]

Postal queries to: P.O. Box 27277, Austin, TX 78755


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

SAN ANTONIO, Texas – LoneStarCon 3, the 71st World Science Fiction Convention (“Worldcon”), will be offering a special membership rate discount for all Adult Attending membership purchases made over the Memorial Day weekend.

From Friday, May 24, through Monday, May 27, Adult Attending membership rates will be lowered by $20, to $200. Anyone joining or upgrading their membership online will automatically receive this special discount. The offer will also be available to fans buying LoneStarCon 3 memberships in person at several conventions being held over the holiday weekend. Potential members should look out for LoneStarCon 3 representatives at ConQuest in Kansas City, MO; Balticon in Hunt Valley, MD; and BayCon in Santa Clara, CA.

With the convention barely three months away, LoneStarCon 3’s plans are now well advanced. In addition to our Guests of Honor, there are now over 170 confirmed program participants. These include David Brin, Ben Bova, Phil and Kaja Foglio, Joe Haldeman, Charlaine Harris, Robin Hobb, Steve Jackson, George R.R. Martin, Elizabeth Moon, John Picacio, Tim Powers, Alastair Reynolds, Robert Silverberg, Howard Tayler, Harry Turtledove, and Gene Wolfe. An ever-growing number of dealers and artists are confirmed for the spectacular Exhibits Hall, which will also feature special presentations on Robert E. Howard, the genome of science fiction author Jay Lake, and the Texas-Israeli War of 1999 (based on the award-winning book by Jake Saunders and Howard Waldrop).

Adult, Military, Young Adult and Supporting members of LoneStarCon 3 who join on or before Wednesday, July 31, 2013 are also entitled to vote for the 2013 Hugo Awards and John W. Campbell Award, and to receive the 2013 Hugo Voter Packet, an electronic package of nominated works graciously made available to voters by Hugo Award nominees and their publishers.


LoneStarCon 3’s Guests of Honor are editor Ellen Datlow; author, academic, and critic James Gunn; Texas bookseller and fan Willie Siros; author Norman Spinrad; and artist Darrell K. Sweet (in memoriam). The Toastmaster is author Paul Cornell. LoneStarCon 3’s Special Guests are filk music pioneer Leslie Fish, and author Joe R. Lansdale.


Founded in 1939, the World Science Fiction Convention is one of the largest international gatherings of authors, artists, editors, publishers, and fans of science fiction and fantasy. The annual Hugo Awards, the leading award for excellence in the fields of science fiction and fantasy, are voted on by Worldcon membership and presented during the convention.

LoneStarCon 3 is sponsored by ALAMO, Inc., (Alamo Literary Arts Maintenance Organization), a 501(c)(3) organization. For information about memberships or hotel accommodation, please visit our website at Please send press questions, or requests to be removed from the LoneStarCon 3 press release mailing list, to [email protected], and send general queries to [email protected].

“World Science Fiction Society,” “WSFS,” “World Science Fiction Convention,” “Worldcon,” “NASFiC,” “Hugo Award,” and the distinctive design of the Hugo Award Rocket are service marks of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary society.


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