Masked Filers Reading SFF:
Time Master

Joe H. keeps his mask on while rereading this long-time favorite:

In the Before Times I did the bulk of my reading when I was out and about, so for the past several years I was reading almost exclusively on my Kindle for portability and convenience.  Now that out and about no longer exists, I’ve taken the opportunity to go back to some of my old paperbacks.  Louise Cooper’s Time Master trilogy was a favorite of mine back in the day; now I’m revisiting it for the first time in probably 25+ years and still enjoying it.

If you want to see this series continue, send photos of your mask and social distancing reads to mikeglyer (at) cs (dot) com

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6 thoughts on “Masked Filers Reading SFF:
Time Master

  1. It’s sad that Louise Cooper seems to have kind of fallen off of everybody’s radar — I’m still enjoying revisiting the Time Master books, and I also have fond memories of Mirage (standalone) and her Indigo series.

  2. Ah, all those evocative minimalist Gould covers on the Cooper books!

  3. Yep! He also did some very nice Michael Moorcock Eternal Champion covers.

  4. Great photo! I haven’t read any of Cooper’s work. <sigh> Yet another author to add to Mount Tsundoku. 🙂

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