Matheson Senior Will Miss WFC 2013

Although World Fantasy Con 2013 counted on hosting both Richard Matheson (Twilight Zone’s “Nightmare at 20,000 Feet,” The Legend of Hell House) and his son Richard Christian Matheson as guests of honor, it’s not going to work out. The elder Matheson’s health isn’t good enough to allow for a trip overseas.

Richard Christian Matheson’s message explaining his father’s decision was recently released by the comittee:

I have disappointing news. My father recently informed me that after much thought, he won’t be able to attend World Fantasy Convention 2013 because of ongoing health concerns. We are, of course, heavy-hearted, as I know you must be reading this. He wants you to know how much he appreciates the organiser’s dedication to making WFC 2013 the best yet, and how they’ve tried every means available to assure his safety and presence. Still, I’m afraid it’s just not in the cards and, while his challenges aren’t life threatening, travel for him is extremely taxing. I know he’s wise in this decision. He’ll be in Brighton, in spirit, and on our mutual behalf, I’ll still be attending and look forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Thank you for your understanding.

Richard Senior also wrote a note:

I certainly appreciate the organisers of World Fantasy Convention 2013 choosing me and my son RC as Guests of Honour. I am very pleased and honoured. I am regretful I cannot respond to it and be there in person, due to health. I wish everyone a marvellous time.

WFC 2013 says Richard Matheson will remain an Honorary Guest of Honour and his career will be celebrated throughout the con’s program.

[Via Andrew Porter.]

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