McIntyre’s Dreamsnake Coming as Ebook

Admit it, you’ll be more help to Vonda McIntyre casting Dreamsnake once you’ve read her book. And on April 26 that will become even easier, when BookViewCafe releases the novel in electronic form.

See the full press release after the jump. to Release McIntyre Novel

On April 26, Book View Cafe (, the newly launched authors’ consortium, will release its ninth downloadable ebook, Vonda N. McIntyre’s Dreamsnake.

Dreamsnake was originally published by Houghton Mifflin in 1978. It won the Nebula Award®, the Hugo, the Locus Award, and the Pacific Northwest Booksellers’ Award. McIntyre is also known for her Starfarers series and five Star Trek novels. “I like reading fiction on my Treo,” says McIntyre (, “and I think electronic fiction is the wave of the future. I’m delighted to be presenting Dreamsnake in electronic formats.”

BVC’s presentation of Dreamsnake includes an exclusive afterword. Dreamsnake and its fantasy cast (which the Book View Café blog helped create, with “Casting Dreamsnake” ( will soon be featured at the website My Book, the Movie (

McIntyre has several short stories available at Book View Café, including “Misprint,” originally published by the science journal Nature, “The Adventure of the Field Theorems” (a Sherlock Holmes scientific romance), and “The Natural History and Extinction of the People of the Sea,” illustrated by Ursula K. Le Guin. “Natural History” is the faux encyclopedia article that developed into McIntyre’s Nebula-winning novel, The Moon and the Sun, which is also available at BVC.

“I’m very pleased to be part of Book View Café,” McIntyre says. “When my friend, physicist and SF writer Dr. John Cramer, showed me Tim Berners-Lee’s first iteration of the World Wide Web, I said, ‘This is going to change everything,’ but I have to admit it took me a few years to begin to see the difference it would make in publishing.”

Other Book View Cafe members include Ms. Le Guin, Sarah Zettel, Jennifer Stevenson, Laura Anne Gilman, Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff, Brenda Clough, Kate Daniel, Christie Golden, Anne Harris, Sylvia Kelso, Katharine Eliska Kimbriel, Sue Lange, Rebecca Lickiss, Nancy Jane Moore, Pati Nagle, Darcy Pattison, Irene Radford, Madeleine Robins, Amy Sterling, and Susan Wright.

The group formed in November 2008 as a way to offer via the Internet work that is out of print, experimental, or not yet published. With new fiction featured every day, the site has attracted nearly 800 registered users in the first six months of operation. Pleased with their success so far, the members have voted to expand their membership. Starting next month they will add one new member per month to their roster. Authors coming on board include Alma Alexander, Jane Yolen, Rachel Caine, and Judith Tarr.

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