Milestones for Diana’s Book

Steven Silver has posted an insightful new review of Diana Glyer’s The Company They Keep on his website at

And if you’re looking for a library that can lend you a copy, the chances of finding one are improving daily. According to WorldCat, as of June 2 The Company They Keep has been catalogued in 414 libraries. It is now in all 50 states and in 10 countries. Taking other Kent State University Press books as a yardstick, Diana’s seems to be doing pretty well with libraries. The stats are behind the cut.

Here are some top performers from KSUP over the past few years (asterisks mark scholarly work about sf/fantasy subjects):KSUP 2008     *Charles Williams Ashenden 162 libraries
                        Politician Extraordinaire Vazzaro 121 libraries

KSUP 2007     *The Company They Keep Glyer 414 libraries
                        Dreaming Baseball Farrell 335 libraries

KSUP 2006     The Birth of Development Staples 375 libraries
                        *Mesmerists, Monsters and Machines Willis 372 libraries

KSUP 2005     Under Kilimanjaro Hemingway 465 libraries
                        A New Book of Grotesques Dunne 423 libraries

KSUP 2004     *Ray Bradbury Eller 530 libraries
                        Democracy and Religion Odell-Scott 518 libraries

Here are the top six KSUP books in libraries, published any year:

Garfield: A Biography (1978) Peskin 1218 libraries
*Dorothy L. Sayers (1979) Hone 1214 libraries
Dressed for the Photographer (1995) Severa 1123 libraries
*Many Futures (1977) Clareson 1088 libraries
*As Her Whimsey Took Her (1979) Hannay 1066 libraries
*The Longing for a Form (1977) Schakel 991 libraries

It is interesting that of the top sixteen KSUP titles listed here, eight of them (*) are related to the science fiction field in some way. Kent State is clearly a leader in books on this topic.

WorldCat’s top three books about C.S. Lewis/J.R.R. Tolkien from any publisher and any year:

Tolkien: A Biography (1977) Carpenter 2230 libraries
C.S. Lewis: A Biography (1990) Wilson 1914 libraries
Master of Middle-earth (1972) Kocher 1088 libraries

[Thanks to Steven Silver and Diana Glyer.]

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