Monahan Enters TAFF Race

Jacq Monahan has announced she is running for the 2012 TransAtlantic Fan Fund reports Steve Green.

Voted the 2010 FAAN Award for “Best New Fan,” Monahan is an active member of the Las Vegas sf group the Vegrants.

Her North American nominators are Nic Farey (editor, BEAM), Curt Phillips and John Purcell (editor, Askance). Her European nominators are Sandra Bond (editor, QuasiQuote) and Steve Green (editor, The Fortnightly Fix).

The TAFF race officially launches October 1, with the successful candidate attending Olympus, the 2012 Eastercon. If she wins, Jacq plans an extensive tour of the UK, with regular online bulletins on her progress and encounters with European fans, before returning to her native Las Vegas for Corflu Glitter.

[Thanks to Steve Green for the story.]

Update 09/09/2011: See comments for explanation.

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5 thoughts on “Monahan Enters TAFF Race

  1. I think Steve should be described as ‘TAFF’s former European adminstrator’. The current European Administrator is John Coxon according to the TAFF website.
    — Mark

  2. We hear a news announcement about one lone candidate this far in advance of hearing who all is in the rest of the pack? Is that where the phrase “jumping the gun” could have come from?

  3. @Dave & Mark: I realize now Steve didn’t identify himself in the e-mail or announcement in any character of TAFF administrator, past or present. I should have framed the story simply as an item from a Monahan backer who wanted to get the news out. Mark’s correction — that the latest TAFF delegate John Coxon is now the fund’s European administrator — is well taken.

  4. In answer to Dave, Warren had already announced his plans to run for TAFF when Jacq threw her hat into the ring.

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