More About Tennessee Church Shooting

Friends of the fans present at Sunday’s Knoxville church shooting have e-mailed more news about the incident.

Curt Phillips posted this information to the Trufen list:

More details are being posted to the KASFA list today. At least 5 people in that church were directly connected to Knoxville area fandom. The 5 I know of were all sitting together in a pew directly in front of one of the critically injured people. The son of one of KASFA’s main organizers was running late Sunday morning and he and his girlfriend arrived at the church just about the time that the first police car screamed to a halt in the parking lot.

Jerry Page copied the following message by Debbie Hughes to a Southern fandom listserv:

Our close friends Jamie Parkey, Amy Broyles and their children were there, Chloie Airoldi the mom of Jamie was there and Amira Parkey – Daughter of Jamie and the late Maia Plasil was there as well. None of them were hurt. Jamie was also one of the men who wrestled the gunman to the ground after he shoved his mom and his middle daughter under the pew. Amy was in the crying room with her youngest daughter and was shielded by glass from most of the gunfire.

Debbie Hughes commends this New York Times article about the shooting for its accuracy.

[Thanks to Andrew Porter, Curt Phillips, Jerry Page and Debbie Hughes.]

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