Mythcon 41 Sets Dates

Author Tim Powers and scholar Janet Croft are two compelling reasons to attend Mythcon 41 in Dallas.

Tim Powers is famous for his stories revealing the supernatural causes of history. Three Days to Never (2006) is the most recent of his four Mythopoeic Fantasy Award-nominated novels, while Last Call (1992) and Declare (2000) won the World Fantasy Award.

Janet Croft is the editor of Mythlore, one of the premier periodicals on the Inklings and fantasy literature. Her three books about J.R.R. Tolkien include War in the Works of Tolkien (2005), winner of the Mythopoeic Scholarship Award in Inklings Studies.

The conference will run July 9-12, 2010 on the Southern Methodist University campus in Dallas.

Early-registration rates are available through January 31, 2010: $60 for Mythopoeic Society members; $70 for non-members; $55 for students. Free for children (under age 12). Online registration is available here.

[Thanks to Lisa Harrigan for the story.]

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