New Issue of File770 Online

File 770 #156 has been posted at eFanzines. The direct link to download the PDF file is this: File 770 #156.

I wanted to make the issue available before the worldcon started, as it features a cover and lead article by Taral, Anticipation’s fan guest of honor. Thanks to help from eFanzines host Bill Burns, the file was posted in time.

Taral has revisited his 30-year-old list of the ten fanzines essential for any fanzine lover to experience, providing insightful critiques and a short list of honorable mentions.

Other treats in the issue – loads of art including illos by Steve Stiles; Francis Hamit’s Denvention report (it seems few cons have inspired more reports than the 2008 Worldcon) and his report on a Star Trek slot machine in Vegas; and a phenomenal letter column.

The paper issue will hit the mail this weekend.

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