No-Clutter Writing:
Is It Even Possible?

Not long ago I posted “Where Real Writers Write,” links to photos of well-known authors’ messy offices. So I especially enjoyed this online columnist’s account of hiring help to dig out her desk:

She did offer me some kind words as a sea of dust rose from my desk and shelves as the detritus was moved around. “You’re creative,” she said. That meant the right side of my brain was dominant, she said, causing me to love horizontal spaces and visual systems.

She wasn’t kidding. I had a lot of horizontal piles and stuff everywhere.

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One thought on “No-Clutter Writing:
Is It Even Possible?

  1. I’m sure I must have told you about the time my brother walked into my kitchen, decades back when my computer blocked the back door (!!), looked around and asked, “Do you think we’re genetically predisposed to piles?

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