No Lunacon in 2018

The New York Science Fiction Society, Lunarians (2), Inc., Board of Directors announced they will not be holding a Lunacon in 2018.

After skipping 2015, Lunarians succeeded in bringing back Lunacon, their proprietary convention, for each of the past two years, however it is going on hiatus again.

The press release says:

It was felt that, even though the 2016 and 2017 Lunacon’s were mostly creatively successful conventions, under the current circumstances, and looking at the time frame and other issues, the Board and the Membership of the organization felt that it would be difficult to present a convention of the high caliber and quality that the Lunacon attendees and its guests deserve and have come to expect.

“Lunacon has been a part of the New York area fannish community for over 60 years, but times have changed, fandom has changed and is more diverse, and, unlike years ago, there are many other events and conventions for our target audience to go to.”, said Stuart C. Hellinger, Lunarians (2) President.

“A complete reevaluation of what Lunacon can and should provide, its viability for the future, possibly expanding our offerings to draw in a larger audience that will encompass the interests of fandom today, is not only prudent, but necessary to create a possible successful future Lunacon that will meet everyone’s objectives while remaining financially viable.”

Mr. Hellinger continued, “Our organization has the future of Lunacon under complete review and evaluation. Once a decision has been finalized as to how and if to proceed, we will make an announcement to the public in all the appropriate venues.”

Lunacon information is available via social media at: , on Facebook, and on Twitter: @lunaconsf.

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