Not Ready for Company

I don’t really have all this time on my hands. There’s lots I need to do before I fly off to Denvention. Like pack my suitcase full of something that’s worth the $15 those pirates at United Airlines are going to charge me for checking a bag. Help Sierra pack up stuff for her overnight stay with a friend’s family. A whole list.

So naturally I chose this moment to load Google Earth. I scanned the route between my hotel and the Colorado Convention Center. Then before shutting down I checked out my home address. Turns out they have a new satellite image of our neighborhood. Unfortunately, it was taken when my car wasn’t at home. So if you’d like to see the big oil stain in my driveway, tell Google Earth to look up Latitude 34° 9’14.25″N, Longitude 117°59’25.99″W.

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