Porter: Photos I Took 10 Years Ago

By Andrew Porter: Brooklyn Heights, my wonderful neighborhood, is just across the river from lower Manhattan, and about 1.5 miles or so from the former and future World Trade Centers. I took these photographs on 9/11. They have not previously been scanned in.

The first one shows the view from the Brooklyn Heights Promenade, with  many tugboats and other working vessels finding refuge under the Brooklyn Bridge. The second photo is from the Brooklyn side of Fulton Ferry.

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7 thoughts on “Porter: Photos I Took 10 Years Ago

  1. At first, I thought it was a new attack on New York. But then, I read the caption and saw the photos were ten years old. Besides… the Big Day is tomorrow.

  2. In the lower right of the second picture is an ivory-colored water vehicle with fins which looks like the submarine from the Gerry & Sylvia Anderson t.v. show Stingray. What is that really?

  3. As I wrote on Facebook only a few minues ago, September 11th. came and went, and Manhattan still stands. Perhaps Alqueda’s dreaded second coming has been mis-timed and is due according to the Islamic callendar? Did anyone check? Meanwhile, the President credits God for keeping America safe, not thinking that if terrorists had dropped a nuke on the Rosebowl they would also be thanking God. Abraham Lincoln seems to have been the first to write that both sides of any conflct lay equal claim to God’s sanction.

  4. David, it’s one of the “Sea Streak” ferries that goes from the NY Harbor down to Highlands, New Jersey. Moves at a really fast clip. My mind wants to say it’s a hydrofoil, but it uses some other propulsion.

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