Pournelle Back at LASFS

Jerry Pournelle at January 22 LASFS meeting. Photo by Eylat Poliner.

Jerry Pournelle at January 22 LASFS meeting. Photo by Eylat Poliner.

Jerry Pournelle’s weekly attendance of Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society meetings was interrupted when he suffered a stroke in December. Now he has recovered enough mobility that with the use of a walker he can navigate his way to the clubhouse. Pournelle was back for the first time on January 22.

Karl Lembke, LASFS Chairman of the Board, told readers of the club’s Facebook page, “When he had the stroke he was unable to move his right arm or leg. Last night, he demonstrated he was able to wave both all over the place. He’s getting around with a walker, but wound up not needing help getting from the car into the building.”

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2 thoughts on “Pournelle Back at LASFS

  1. Wow! Too proud to bend, too tough top break! Good to see you back up on your feet, Jerry!

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