Pre-Bid Planning Under Way for Dublin in 2029

Brian Nisbet and Marguerite Smith have not technically announced a bid yet, but over the weekend they revealed their intention to bid for Dublin in 2029 at this year’s Octocon, the Irish National Science Fiction Convention. 

They will be at SMOFcon in Lisbon and DisCon III to share the message again, and will become more active as they progress into 2022 and beyond.

They are reachable at [email protected], and have a placemarker site at

[Thanks to Marguerite Smith and Brian Nisbet for the story.]

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15 thoughts on “Pre-Bid Planning Under Way for Dublin in 2029

  1. I strongly urge them to find a new venue that’s big enough. The 2019 Worldcon had serious crowding issues with huge lines taking up the convention center floors and hallways, rooms that filled up too quickly, and a second venue that required a long walk or paying for a train ride to reach, and severe limiting of seating for the Hugos. In addition, they have yet to post any of the video of the awards ceremony or sent the nominees and winners the photos taken of them, or even answer any queries about it. We thoroughly enjoyed visiting Dublin and would love to again, but the Convention Center did NOT have the space and facilities necessary for a Worldcon.

  2. A good friend of mine went to Worldcon in Dublin and echoes all the problems Troyce mentioned. She was very upset with the crowding and said if they held it there again there’s no way she would spend the big bucks to go.

  3. Ita: She was very upset with the crowding and said if they held it there again there’s no way she would spend the big bucks to go.

    I would not attend a Worldcon held at the CCD again unless they cap the membership at about 60% of what they had in 2019. It feels like recent Worldcons have been more concerned about bragging about setting membership records and raking in the membership cash than they are about providing an enjoyable Worldcon.

  4. I would like to go to Dublin again, and largely agree about the crowding. Panels aren’t my key con thing, but they were a right mess.

  5. I liked the Dublin convention and would love to see more of Ireland than what I had time for last time. I agree with crowding issues as mentioned above. The centre really wasn’t built to handle that number of members. Would most likely go anyway, but would spend more time looking at the city instead.

  6. As long as enough people think, “It will be too crowded, I won’t go,” the issue kind of takes care of itself. : )

    From what I remember talking to the organisers in 2019, there is quite a large venue just across the street that could probably be used together with the CCD for the next convention (wasn’t available to them the last time) which would help a lot. (Disclaimer: I’m not speaking for the bidders in any capacity.)

  7. Tero: As long as enough people think, “It will be too crowded, I won’t go,” the issue kind of takes care of itself.

    It doesn’t actually work that way. Worldcons show running totals on their websites of memberships sold. People are going to know whether a Worldcon has overbooked. Especially now that people have a good idea from 2019 what a realistic capacity is for the CCD.

  8. I agree with all the comments about crowds at Dublin 2019, but all who were there couldn’t help but notice the massive amount of construction that was happening all around the area of the convention center.

  9. Yeah, well, Dublin was better than Helsinki, so to me it was fine. I loved Ireland and would go back in a heartbeat.

  10. I preferred Helsinki to Dublin. Much more space to move around in. Never suffocating.

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