Reno Voted 2011 Worldcon

The Reno bid for the 2011 Worldcon, which finished the race unopposed, has officially won the site selection vote.

The con will be named Renovation. The guests of honor are: Tim Powers, Ellen Asher, Boris Vallejo and the late Charles N. Brown.

The full press release appears after the jump.

[Thanks to Voyageur and the Renovation committee for the story.]

The 69th World Science Fiction Convention
PO Box 13278
Portland, OR 97213-0278

[email protected]


Sunday, August 9, 2009

Montreal – The Reno in 2011 bid won the right to run the 2011 World Science Fiction Convention in voting conducted by Anticipation, the 2009 World Science Fiction Convention. 

Renovation will run from August 17-21, 2011 at the  Reno-Sparks Convention Center. The Atlantis Hotel will be the main/party hotel, with additional rooms supplied by the Peppermill and Courtyard by Marriott.

Renovation has a stellar line-up of guests of honor:  Tim Powers, Ellen Asher, Boris Vallejo and the late Charles N. Brown.

Tim Powers is a leading speculative novelist, whose books include The Drawing of the Dark (Del Rey, 1979), The Anubis Gates (Ace, 1983, winner of the Philip K. Dick Memorial Award and the Prix Apollo), Dinner at Deviant’s Palace (Ace, 1985, winner of the Philip K. Dick Memorial Award), On Stranger Tides (Ace, 1987), The Stress of Her Regard (Ace, 1989, winner of the Mythopoeic Award), Last Call (Morrow, 1992, winner of the World Fantasy Award), and Declare (Morrow, 2001, winner of the World Fantasy Award).   Tim has frequently taught at the Clarion science fiction writer’s workshop.

Ellen Asher was the editor of the Science Fiction Book Club for thirty-four years and three months, thereby fulfilling her life’s ambition of beating John W. Campbell’s record as the person with the longest tenure in the same science fiction job. Ellen is a winner of the New England Science Fiction Association’s Edward E. Smith Memorial Award for Imaginative Fiction (the Skylark) and in 2007 received a World Fantasy Award in the category Special Award: Professional.

A native of Peru, Boris Vallejo has created a great volume of work for the Fantasy field, having worked for virtually every major publishing house with a science fiction/fantasy line. Boris has also illustrated for album covers, video box art and motion picture advertising. His mastery of oil painting is immediately and abundantly clear to anyone who looks at his work, and his classic sense is as much an homage to the old masters as it is to anyone contemporaneously working in the Fantasy genre.

Charles N. Brown was Publisher & Editor-in-Chief of 29-time Hugo-winner Locus magazine, which he founded in 1968. Charles had been involved in the science fiction field since the late 1940s. He was the original book reviewer for Asimov’s, edited several SF anthologies, and wrote for numerous magazines and newspapers.  Charles died unexpectedly on July 12, 2009, while flying home from Readercon.  To acknowledge Charles’ lasting impact on our field, he remains a Renovation Guest of Honor.

Memberships for Renovation may be purchased at In addition to individual memberships, Renovation will also offer a family rate.

For more details on the convention, visit We encourage your input to help us create a memorable Worldcon.

For complete voting results, see the Anticipation website:


Direct press questions, or requests to be removed from the Renovation press release mailing list, to [email protected].

General queries to [email protected].

“World Science Fiction Society”, “WSFS”, “World Science Fiction Convention”, “Worldcon”, “NASFiC”, “Hugo Award”, and the distinctive design of the Hugo Award Rocket are service marks of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary society.

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5 thoughts on “Reno Voted 2011 Worldcon

  1. I believe during the Sunday Business Meeting Con Chair Patty Wells referred to Charlie Brown as their Fan GoH – and the other GoHs with appropriate tags. I could very well be misremembering.

    Aussiecon 4, InterAction, BucConeer, and many other past Worldcons have not designated their Guests as Writer/Pro/Fan/Artist/Great Cthulhu ….

  2. Not “many other past Worldcons,” Mike; one other: ConFrancisco. Uno.

    Setting aside the 1946 Pacificon treating the married couple of A. E. van Vogt and E. Mayne Hull as co-GOHs.

    There’s definitely precedent for having non-specified GOHs. But it’s four past cons, and now one future con, for the record. Not three and “many.”

    Of course, since 1939 until 1967, most Worldcons had only a single GOH, with (excluding the unit of AEvV and EMH) only five exceptions.

    Sam Moskowitz as “(mystery GoH)” could, and I’d say should, be fairly considered the first Fan GOH in 1955, but it wasn’t until Detention in 1959 that there was a first official listing of “Poul Anderson (pro)
    John Berry (fan).” (Berry, of course, having come over for the Berry Fund.) That was a special exception in its time.

    It wasn’t until 1964’s Pacificon II that there was again a pro/fan split, with again a married couple of Leigh Brackett and Edmond Hamilton listed as “(pro)” and
    Forrest J Ackerman listed as “(fan).”

    But not until as late as NyCon III in 1967 did having a “Pro GOH” and a “Fan GOH” become the regular tradition thereafter.

    I’ve been urging the Raleigh NASFiC committee to rethink their current listing of Eric Flint as “Guest of Honor,” above the others, and then, literally below him as the sole, unmodified, “Guest of Honor,” listing the Artist GoH
    Fan GoH
    Toastmaster as lessers.

    I really have no idea how thought-through this is, or maybe it’s just a rushed web page. But I certainly hope it’s not a policy that’s they’re going to stay with, as I really don’t think such a hierarchical conception is in keeping with Worldcon and NASFiC tradition, and it would be completely unprecedented.

    What do y’all think?

    You can write them here: [email protected]

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