Sasquan Dealers Room Promo Video

Sasquan publicizes the Dealers Room in a new 6-minute video:

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4 thoughts on “Sasquan Dealers Room Promo Video

  1. It looks like I may be one of only two or three dealers who will have older SF titles at Worldcon. That’s a lot different from back when I started going!

  2. *sigh* The dealers room at many conventions is now just a glorified gift shop. I’d like to see more books and magazines, especially older and collectable items, but then I’m old too. Still, I’m sure I can find enough stuff to spend my money on!

  3. I have always appreciated the range of merchandise available at convention dealer rooms. In the pre-internet days it was for me the *only* way to find jewelry, gifts, clothing and toys related to SFF. It *was* a glorified gift shop, and a glorious one.

    This looks like an interesting mix of dealers. I guess the days of greater numbers of booksellers must be more than three decades ago, because in my congoing lifetime it’s always been like this.

  4. I actually suspect there are at least a dozen dealers this year among those shown in the video who might sell older titles. For the audiophiles who want classic gems, we have invested our last year in launching an audiobook line packed with backlist sci-fi. Charles Beaumont, Frederic Brown and many others. Check us out at Skyboat Media.

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