Sasquan Still Gaining Members

Sasquan, the 2015 Worldcon, has gained another 316 members since May 22.

Nearly 60% of the newcomers bought supporting memberships, however, for a change a substantial amount of the growth also was from people buying memberships to attend the con.

As of June 4, the con had a total of 9,316 members, including 3,800 attending and 5,140 supporting members.

A $40 supporting membership is the minimum requirement to become eligible as a voter in 2017 site selection or to vote on the winners of the Hugo Awards.

Sasquan has sold 3,375 supporting memberships since January 31.

Here is how the new totals compare with the figures on May 22:

Sasquan Total Members
5/22/2015 9,000
6/4/2015 9,316
Increase    316


Adult Attending Members
5/22/2015 3,688
6/4/2015 3,800
Increase     112


Supporting Members
5/22/2015 4,952
6/4/2015 5,140
Increase    188

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2 thoughts on “Sasquan Still Gaining Members

  1. And the Subcanines/Weevil Mini-ones have been topped out by Teddy Beale at 367…

    I know which side my bet is on.

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