Seattle Wins 2025 Worldcon Site Selection Vote

The 83rd Worldcon will be held in Seattle, WA from August 13-17, 2025 in the Seattle Convention Center Summit Building. The site selection voting results were announced October 21 by Chengdu Worldcon Business Meeting chair Donald Eastlake III.

SITE SELECTION RESULTS. There were 168 valid ballots received.  

163 votes for Seattle
2 votes for No Preference
2 votes for Xerpsin 2010
1 vote for Peggy Rae’s

Seattle was the only filed bid.

The convention’s website is here: Seattle Worldcon 2025 – Building Yesterday’s Future–For Everyone

Seattle Worldcon 2025 Progress Report 0 can be downloaded at the link. The convention’s Guests of Honor and Hosts will be:



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14 thoughts on “Seattle Wins 2025 Worldcon Site Selection Vote

  1. Congratulations to the Seattle mermaid who appeared at Discon’s Masquerade!

  2. Hurrah! Went to Seattle around New Year’s in 2022 and it was wonderful, so excited to go back. The Museum of Pop Culture has the SFF Hall of Fame and a great Fantasy Literature exhibit that would be lovely to revisit with fellow fans.

  3. It is worth going to the Museum of Pop Culture just to see how much of the World’s Fair infrastructure remains. I went to the Fair as a child. Now, I just hope my voting token actually worked.

  4. Looking at the con hotel rates, I probably won’t be able to attend, unless I commute in from SeaTac.

  5. Commuting in from SeaTac is entirely reasonable to do; the light rail stops 5 blocks away from the venue, and is a pretty nice way to go.

  6. Pingback: Pixel Scroll 10/21/23 Seven Pixels You Can’t Scroll On Television - File 770

  7. @Chris R: 5 blocks is just doable (for me–can’t speak for others), if the weather’s right.

  8. Pingback: Chengdu Worldcon Site Selection Business Meeting Results - File 770

  9. Congratulations to Seattle WorldCon 2025! I haven’t been to Seattle since 1977. I dare say it has changed a bit since I was there as a young Canadian Forces officer candidate enjoying the Seattle Seafair weekend. I will see how my business prospers and may plan a visit during the WorldCon. I am attending Glasgow 2024 on August 8-12, 2024.

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