Selling with Bookmarks

Francis Hamit has become a regular contributor to Henry Baum’s new blog Self Publishing Review. “I will mostly be talking about marketing matters. SPR is already attracting a lot of traffic because it’s very professional in look and Baum is an editor with vision.”

His first bylined piece tells how he uses bookmarks to help sell The Shenandoah Spy. Logically enough, Hamit displays its cover on his bookmarks:

We spent a lot of time on it and we use that image on posters and postcards as well. It sells books, because it gets people to pick up the book. At sixteen cents each, I can’t just give them away to everyone I meet, however. I make them ask. I carry a few in my shirt pocket now, everywhere I go. Sooner or later someone asks and then I give them one. If they don’t buy it then, they probably will later.

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