Silver Spring Club Turns 25

The Silver Spring Science Fiction Society (SSSFS) held its 25th anniversary meeting October 27 at the Golden Bull in Adelphi, Maryland. The club, the third oldest in the Washington, D.C. area, was founded in October 1985 as a spinoff from the University of Maryland Science Fiction Society. It meets once a month at restaurants in the Montgomery County, Maryland area and occasionally they go to movies.

Founder Martin Morse Wooster was the only person present at the first meeting. He has missed about six of the 300 meetings held by the club.

The club welcomes dedicated sf and fantasy readers who live in the Washington,D.C. area. Call Martin Morse Wooster at 301/565-7820 for more information.

[Thanks to Martin Morse Wooster for the story.]

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4 thoughts on “Silver Spring Club Turns 25

  1. Third oldest club in the area? But only 25 years old… I dunno. I guess congratulations are in order, but I’ve got stuff in my fridge that’s older than that. There was nearly a longer interval between the last two issues of my fanzine, as well.

  2. “Founder Martin Morse Wooster was the only person present at the first meeting.”

    That must have been pretty discouraging. It’s a wonder he went on to try a second meeting.

  3. Mike: I should have said that I was the only person at the October SSSFS meeting who was also at the meeting in October 1985. We had about eight people at the first meeting. There were two other people present who joined SSSFS late in 1985 but were not at the first meeting. Martin

  4. Thanks for the correction, Martin: I have to admit I read the original version and felt very sorry for 25-years-ago-you sitting in the bar, the only SF fan there… 😉

    Congratulations on your club’s longevity!

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