Snapshots 43

Here are 4 developments of interest to fans.

(1) The latest silliness involving zombies and literary figures has inspired Ulrika’s quite wonderful “Sonnet for Zombie Bill, on the Anniversary of His Baptism”.

(2) Dark Roasted Blend’s “Where’s My Jetpack” isn’t the usual poor excuse for a blog post, it’s a heavily-illustrated tour-de-force showing jetpacks of every age and type, from those envisioned for Nazi soldiers to those worn in Lost in Space and by James Bond, through today’s working models.

"Captain's Log" app in action.

(3) Remember that app that’s supposed to make your iPad look and sound like something out of Star Trek:The Next Generation?  Well, fuhgeddaboudit:

The developer of a Star Trek app for the iPad has shelved the app after Paramount Pictures Corp., which owns the venerable sci-fi franchise, lodged an infringement complaint.

“Captain’s Log” was designed to access social networks Facebook and Twitter on the iPad with a graphical user interface that mimicked Star Trek’s Library Computer Access and Retrieval Systems display.

But app developer PushyPixels said in a note on its Web site that the app “has been pulled due to alleged infringement according to Paramount Pictures.”

(4) Alert issued for piercingly blue-eyed Marines; planet Arrakis placed off-limits to active-duty personnel. The Marine Corps has outlawed Spice.

[Thanks for these links goes to David Klaus.]

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