Soldiering On

“No (More) Time for Sergeant Harris” reported about a St. Louis fan trying to hold the Army to the terms of his original enlistment despite having it extended for wartime service.

Recently Tyler Harris sent me an e-mail with some kind words and the rest of his story:

I just wanted to send you a “thank you” for putting up the nice write-up on File 770 about me, and where I’m at in the world. I appreciate it immensely.  The Army in its’ mechanical ways has decided that I’m staying in, until March or April of next year. Hopefully I’ll be home well before that.

I had hoped my mid-tour leave would coincide with Archon this year – alas, it wasn’t meant to be – I was a week late. I heard that I didn’t miss very much and Collinsville pretty much gave us the finger. Oh well – registration was nice enough to just pretend that this year didn’t happen and my wife got me all set for next year – which is now conveniently close to my house.

That’s all – it’s about 12:30 here and I need my beauty sleep. Heck, you’ve seen my photos. I need years of it.

Take care, and thanks again!


Good luck to you Tyler! I hope we get to meet down the road.

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